27 Sep Customizing a Rodent Control Program, September 27, 1995
Presented by Allan Dufoe (Lipha-Tech) September 27, 1995...
Presented by Allan Dufoe (Lipha-Tech) September 27, 1995...
The purpose of the program was to help PCOs better understand state regulations and thereby reduce the risk of being cited, fined or suspended. Another goal of the seminar was to forge a better working relationship between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation...
Presented by Wendell Codner (FMC) February 22, 1995...
Presented by Brian Cooney (Bell Labs) December 14, 1994...
A comprehensive safety compliance program dealing with the Community and Worker Right to Know Act as well as SARA Title III. Establishing definitions for what is a pesticide, what is toxicity, LD50, the difference between acute and chronic toxicity, what is risk. A comparative analysis...
The first Hazmat training program we offered when it became mandatory that PCOs receive certifiable training every two years. Presented by Robert Girone May 25, 1994...
The title says it all. Presented by Andy Ferrigno (Ciba-Geigy) March 9, 1994...
An exceptionally popular program on performing effective and safe space treatments in various accounts for a variety of pests. Presented by James Shaffer (Micro-Gen) December 8, 1993...
Our very first professional workshop. Presented by Bob Girone September 29, 1993...